Lavender on the Hill Highgate

Verksamhet inom hälsa Massagesalong
Lavender on the Hill

Lavender on the Hill Highgate är en verksamhet inom hälsa och skönhetssalong på 50 Highgate W Hill, Highgate i London.

Lavender on the Hill is a wellness destination. The site in Highgate is crisp, modern, and relaxing and offers services to boost your wellbeing. If you're looking to improve your health or just need a chance to relax, there's a therapy here that's a great match. Unwind with a signature massage, or try physiotherapy and osteopathy, or reiki healing to relieve stress. Facials are offered too.

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Var ligger Lavender on the Hill Highgate?

Lavender on the Hill Highgate ligger på 50 Highgate W Hill, N6 6DA, Highgate. Närmsta tunnelbana är Highgate (ca 800m).