Welcome to (my version of) The Good Life!

I’m Tatty Good, a London-born Swedish/English freelance writer and translator who managed to persuade my husband and four children to move to a small farm in Sörmland with me six years ago, and this is my life. 

With one foot in England and one in Sweden, one hand working the Sörmland soil while the other grabs a cocktail in Stockholm, I write about my somewhat schizophrenic life juggling work as a food, travel and design journalist and Thatsup’s English editor with growing vegetables, people and animals in the countryside.

My passions include design, literature, food and travel, sustainable fashion and building, organic gardening and self-sufficiency, riding, skating and sleeping.

I’m looking forward to sharing the inspiring places in Stockholm and beyond that I get to experience as a journalist, random musings on the cultural differences between my two home countries, as well as a few nifty tips and tricks I’ve picked up over fifteen years as a mother of four and fair-weather gardener.

Don't hesitate to give me a shout at tattygood76@gmail.com if there's anything you'd like to share.

Multi-tasking, or pretending to work while balls fly over your head

Photo credit: Joe Maclay