Red Bull Air Race inställt

Här kommer en väldigt tråkig nyhet. Red Bull Air Race har ställts in. Det skulle ha kört den 5 och 6 juli, och vi har tidigare skrivit om det här.

Pressmeddelande från arrangörerna:

"Red Bull Air Race regrets to announce that the race in Stockholm, scheduled for 5 & 6 July, will not take place.

A late change to the location of the race area in Stockholm impacted the Red Bull Air Race flight operations thus compromising the safety and quality of the race. Despite all efforts to ensure the race would go ahead, Red Bull Air Race has made the decision to withdraw the application.

Bernd Loidl, CEO of Red Bull Air Race GmbH, was quick to express his disappointment that the people of Stockholm will be denied the chance to see the most exciting motorsport in the world saying:

“Safety is paramount for an event of this scale and we are proud of our strong safety standards and track record of 33 successful races around the world. We really regret our decision to cancel the Stockholm race.”

Rotterdam in the Netherlands will now be the fourth stop of the season and takes place on 19 & 20 July.

Ticket holders for the Stockholm race will be given a full refund. More details will be available on our ticketing website."

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